architectural rendering of cleanroom courtesy of HALFF Associates, Inc
The UNT Center for Microelectronics in Extreme Environments: Cleanroom is maintained by the University of North Texas to support the research needs of faculty and students from a broad range of engineering and science disciplines. The cleanroom occupies approximately 2600 sq. ft. of clean space and includes 300 sq.ft a Class 100 lithography area and a Class 10,000 wet and dry processing and characterization area. Initial capabilities will emphasize nano/micro device development, Photomask fabrication and thin film techniques. Highlights of the tool list include:
- Electron Beam Lithography/Scanning Electron Microscope
- Ion Assist Electon Beam and Sputtering Combo Thin Film Deposition System
- KLA-Tenco Profiler
- Heidelberg DWL 66 Maskless Laser Lithography System
- Laurell chemical processing stations
- Reactive Ion Etchers (RIE)
- Trovato 12 source thermal evaporator with 4 material co-deposition
For a complete list of tools to be included and the layout of the facility , see the Tools and Instrument page and rates for cleanroom tools at Cleanroom User Fee Structure. Tool scheduling at UNT FOM.
For steps to become a cleanroom user, see the How to become a cleanroom user. Other user related information is under User Information.
Updated cleanroom capacity examples!